Now that Jerry Sandusky has been found guilty of 45 of the 48 charges against him I'm sure everyone involved would like to put the ugly incident behind them especially Penn State. The number of convictions is staggering. How could this have gone on for so long? The trial's surprising speed was a long overdue step toward retribution for those poor boys.
There are going to be legal and financial consequences for the university in particular as it appears people knew what was going on.
Joe Paterno was fired following criticism that he knowingly allowed Sandusky's abuse of children to continue. Former Penn State President Graham Spanier was also fired.
Two more Penn State officials have been held accountable — athletic director Timothy Curley and former Vice President Gary Schultz are charged with perjury and failure to report sexual abuse of Sandusky's victims.
Sandusky's victims will almost certainly file a separate civil case against the university for its failure to act in response to serious child-sex abuse allegations and the university should be required to pay for its failure to act.
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