I am both honored and pleased to, for once, present a picture that I actually took myself! (As my disclaimer page explains, I specifically state when one of the photographs on this blog is my own.) And the subject of this photo is a monumental one indeed.
Ladies and gentlemen, my photo of . . . supermodel Pat Cleveland!
How did I swing this? Very easily, it turns out. Pat Cleveland was interviewed for About Face, a documentary about the modeling world. And the movie was recently screened at a film festival in Montclair, New Jersey, near where I live . . . and Pat Cleveland was a special guest at the screening! I attended the screening and afterwards got several photos of her, including this one. This is my best picture of her.
(Sorry about the chap in the background. Pay no attention to the man behind the Cleveland.)
Oh yes, I met her, too. She's a very sweet and engaging woman. The full story of my encounter with Miss Cleveland, the supermodel's supermodel, is here at this blog's sister blog, Miscellaneous Musings.
I also photographed model Nancy Donahue in New York, but she's actually a friend of mine now thanks to mutual Facebook connections (which is why I don't post pictures of Nancy Donahue here anymore). I can't say I know Miss Cleveland like I know Nancy Donahue, despite having had a Facebook connection with her as well, so that means I'm free to post photos of Miss Cleveland on this blog going forward (even if the pictures won't be mine) without being in violation of my own rules about posting pictures of women I know personally and have met in person.
But if and when I do have another photo of a well-known woman I've taken myself, and if I can post it without breaking my own criteria for this blog, you can be sure I'll post it here.